Saturday, May 07, 2005

Joe's Apartment

老哥用 StarHub 的 monthly point 换了一个月的 HBO 台。Yeah...最近又有很多电影看了。早上看了一部超好玩的电影--Joe's Apartment(1996年)。一个孤单男人和5万只可爱聪明又搞怪的蟑螂的故事。这部电影太有创意了,也很好笑。现在看着“What a girl wants”。紧接着又有Tom Hanks和Leonardo Di Caprio主演的“Catch Me if You Can”和“Superman II”。(看来这个周末要好好改完本子都难了)

Fresh off the bus from Iowa, Joe (Jerry O'Connell) is just trying to make it in New York, but he's got no job, no girl and no place to live. But life changes for Joe as he finds an apartment, along with 50,000 singing, dancing roach roommates who teach.


sllyfsh said...



蘆葦 said...
